Saturday, December 27, 2008

Reinvent Yourself in 2009

Take the most important Journey of your life!
When you look in the mirror are you happy with what you see? What is the inner dialogue that you engage with yourself? Does it go something like this? Wow! I look great! I look like a person that is happy. That person in the mirror is something really special.

Or does it go something like this? Wow! I don't know anyone that is this _______ (fat, ugly, bald, skinny, or other negative things to fill in the blank). Wow can anyone be this unhappy. That person in the mirror is really special, yeah like special ed!

If you are not happy with yourself then you need to reinvent yourself!

January is famous for being the time when people make resolutions to improve themselves. But this is often like the first chapter of a book. It is often the most visited, but then gets put aside and the forgotten until the next time that we decide to pursue it again.

Do you know that you can reach the goal? The final chapter is achievable, but in order to achieve it you have to make one small step before you start. You have to make a new best friend. This best friend will encourage you when you are down, will laugh with you, will help you take the small steps that are necessary to keep your journey in action. This friend will forgive you when you backslide. This new friend is yourself. You have to become your own best cheerleader. You take the action to prompt yourself throughout the year to continue on your journey. Make little notes on your calender at the beginning of each month to help you focus on your goal.
Give yourself permission to dream. Allow yourself the time each day to focus on where you want to goal. Keep your goals in your sight. Believe in yourself.

Remember that you are in the driver's seat. If your journey does not go where you want to travel then you are in charge of turning around and getting back on track. If you are interested in learning more tips on how to reach your goals email me with "reinvent yourself" in the subject line and we will start on the journey of making 2008 your best year yet!

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